You may have never thought about it, but having a ghostwriter at your disposal is important to the life of your ongoing marketing efforts. Hiring someone whose expertise it is to write rich content propels you in business and FREES YOUR TIME to focus on management and long-term planning.
I write special reports, articles, and blog posts all under the names of my clients. I take no credit, but instead work quietly behind-the-scenes to feature your products and services so you shine among your existing clients and promising prospects.
So, let me get back to why you need a ghostwriter. You only need one if:
You're serious about being smart with your time and money
You're savvy to the point of understanding the fundamentals of wisely investing in your business and its future
You insist on only knowledgeable, experienced and reliable talent to enhance your already savvy team
You can no longer justify writing your own materials because it requires a colossal effort beyond your expertise
You want to effectively market yourself with high-impact support services like ghostwriting (this is in incredibly simple and effective method of projecting professionalism - everyone knows none of us succeeds without the support of a professional team. If you use this information in your marketing content, you are even closer to the big money because people naturally want to align themselves with others they perceive to be professionals)
You're ready to hand off tasks that zap your days of precious time and energy
You want to convert prospects to long-term satisfied and devoted customers
Hiring a ghostwriter isn't right for every entrepreneur. It may not be your time. You may not have planned for an allocation of funds. You may not understand the ROI (return-on-investment) value.
However, if you do get it, and are ready to delegate your marketing writing to a pro who works silently to ensure your business growth and creatively showcases your unique offerings, email me. I'd love to hear your ideas and offer you an array of limitless possibilities.
Sometimes it's hard to know just how impactful, easy and freeing it can be to delegate writing, so how about a little taste? It really is as simple as providing project parameters. We do the rest. Can you even imagine handing off the assignment of a free special report, as only one example, and having it delivered to your inbox within a week? What would you do with the time? Put up your feet? Relax? Well, maybe not, but you could certainly focus your efforts on other more demanding items requiring your specific input.
Statistics show women make 85% of consumer buying decisions. Is it any wonder then that we need to write online and Web site content specifically to them? Using a new approach that literally speaks their language?
Instead of writing tired copy based on the old patriarchal paradigm, it's time to think differently about how we approach women to offer our products and services.
There's a completely new shift happening and with it comes many opportunities to market in ways never before imagined or attempted... which will actually use less language to sell and more language that connects. When women feel they're heard and understood, they will purchase from you. When they see a fresh coat of paint on an old marketing approach, they won't. All the rules have changed. Let's dig in.
Why is this trend growing so rapidly?
Simply put: Because it's time.
There is an energetic/spiritual reconciliation occurring on the planet and women (as well as those characteristics culturally related to being female) will become much more prominent... in business, in politics, in religion, in every leadership position. It is a result of things being so out of balance for so long. What is out of balance must right itself at some point in time. That time is now.
So, how does this relate to the language of online marketing? Because if what I'm saying is true (you must feel it for yourself and check it against what you see happening around you) there's a ton of opportunity about to explode... for all of us! Why not be ahead of the trend to make sure your business is in complete compliance and poised to maximize every possible angle?
(As a generality) women are innately nurturing nesters. There's no amount of denying this that changes it. There are inherent tendencies to women that no matter how much time passes or cultural changes occur, are prominent, prevalent and won't go away simply because they don't sound politically correct. Sure there are exceptions and nurturing nesters may never birth children, create comfortable homes or be gracious hosts, but nevertheless there are expressions of being uniquely female with variations of the same theme.
That's why it's important to write to these themes. To be effective, we must address the issues, cares, concerns, fears and frustrations of women.
Some people think targeted copy doesn't make any difference. You decide. Let me give you an example: To which gender is each of these ads meant to target?
1. "With all the demands at work, there's no time to waste. Our hard-hitting tactics guarantee results."
2. "With all the demands on your time -- at work and home, with family and friends -- it's vital to make wise decisions that ensure you have as much time as possible for everything and everyone you love."
As a female consumer, of course you are more motivated by the second ad. No doubt. It speaks to someone who understands you (you have limited time), supports you (in making wise decisions), and offers you a solution to resolve a frequent frustration (having time for everything and everyone in your life).
So, what works with women? Language that:
· elicits feelings of connection to others · ties into/addresses personal aspects of life (home, balancing personal/business lives, integrating children, support networks, virtual and actual communities, etc.) · ties into compassion, nurturing, connectivity · is inclusive of more than just her... it speaks to all the women she knows
This trend is quickly gaining momentum. Not only do women make 85% of all buying decisions, they make up 40% as household heads, and run 40% of companies in the United States. Women went from being A segment of the market to being THE market!
Now's the time to invest in refining your marketing materials to address this key majority of the buying market--WOMEN. Clearly, accessing and addressing their specific needs delivers the kind of results not seen with conventional or one-gender-fits-all copywriting. Things have changed dramatically only to become a wave of the future. Be on the crest of the wave!
If you require a professional assessment of the "female-friendliness" of your marketing content, contact us.
We're female. Simply stated, "We get it!" and are driven to apply our expertise in online marketing to showcase your products and services in the burgeoning female market.
To effectively engage and enchant your audience with heart-focused copywriting, implement the 7 Elemental Facets.
In addition to receiving this content-rich 21-page compilation, you also have unrestricted access to these complimentary gifts:
* eBook | Personal and Professional Empowerment for Whole Living * article | 9-Facet Formula To Proof-Perfect Copy... Every Time * mp3 | EditCopyProof Interview by the Founder of Indie Business * interview audio and eBook | The Conscious Female Entrepreneur: Dynamism In Action * empowerment ink | a generous outpouring of the freshest original content to catapult your conscious business and inspire your soul