A special note to
Inner Radiance Participants:
Inner Radiance Participants:
Welcome, Dear One. You are in the perfect place to receive the information that is intended just for you in this very moment. It's no accident you found your way here to this well of rich resources to enhance every aspect of your life.
To receive instant access to the 60-minute audio entitled The Conscious Female Entrepreneur: Dynamism In Action click here and submit your email address. Enjoy!
Abundant Life Blessings,

the portal to a diverse collective of products and services specifically created with you in mind; to support, equip, motivate, encourage and champion you to a life of full empowerment, both personally and professionally.
Tools for empowerment come in many forms and positively impact every area of your life. When you are truly empowered, it emanates in your every word, thought and action.
We honor and celebrate you, and are committed to providing opportunities that facilitate excellence as you discover the many ways to explore whole-life empowerment.
Professional Empowerment
- EditCopyProof™–wordsmithing and online marketing solutions for conscious entrepreneurs
- business consulting–experience the positive impact of powerful collaboration based on a 25-year business skill set. Leave inspired, excited and empowered with a solid plan to materialize real-world results
- NEW SERVICE! infusing your marketing content with vibrance and results–if you've done everything 'right' based on the input of experts and still your business struggles to thrive, this spiritual, leading-edge approach ignites the effectiveness of your existing marketing materials. You won't see a similar service offered anywhere else. This leading-edge method was developed in collaboration with—and inspiration from—the divine
- program–creating compelling copy is no accident. It is the result of knowing the intricacies of your ideal customer. In this quick-finish program, you discover how to actively engage your target market to build solid long term relationships and increase sales (program includes 75-minute content-rich audio, workbook and full audio transcript)
- eBook–Write Your eBook Using a Trusted and Proven System While Maintaining Your Busy Life
- eBook support services–focused, insightful, objective, intuitive and knowledgeable guidance to move your eBook out of your head and into the world
Personal Empowerment
- best-selling book–Overcomer’s, Inc.: True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration
- JUST LAUNCHED! 1-on-1 empower|mentorship–sparking and fueling whole-life empowerment with a savvy luminary to restore, balance and amplify the wonder of you