As you know, a thriving business is a series of daily activities to establish and maintain the know, like and trust factor. The premise is that when these three elements have been effectively communicated in your marketing materials, existing customers and prospects will resonate with your purpose and vision, purchasing from you in the future without hesitation. They do this because they already know, like and trust you based on the resonance with your Web copy, blog, articles, testimonials, press releases or other marketing content.
So, how can an eBook enhance your business once you have established that you are knowable, likable and trustworthy? eBooks propel your business by:
- building loyalty-eBooks educate and empower your target market, cultivating a devoted customer/prospect base
- providing validity-eBooks easily and quickly establish you as an expert within your field, increasing your credibility
- increasing opportunities-eBooks leverage your skill set and knowledge for greater exposure, including radio and online radio interviews, and requests for live appearances
- generating revenue-eBooks allow you to strategically position yourself as a valuable resource and/or accomplished authority, thereby potentially increasing your income
- amplifying momentum-eBooks set you up for future success and achievement and facilitate a focused drive toward that prosperity
The disadvantages to a high-quality, content-rich eBook are non-existent. The benefits are many. As one facet of your whole marketing approach, creating an eBook effectively places you in a powerful position to experience even more of the many advantages of entrepreneurship.