This is a recent Facebook post of a friend:
“While loading the washing machine, found Baby Jesus (from the girls' nativity set) in the front pocket of Molly's little smock dress. She's been carrying him everywhere lately, in the pocket of her hoodie or dress, and all day she pulls him out and smiles, and then puts him back with a sly happy look. It's like she's forgotten he's there and then is tickled pink to find him again.”
What do you carry in your sweet little life pocket,
meaningful only to you,
that when you remember it,
and pull it out,
even in the form of a thought,
it makes you smile,
tickles your heart,
and is put back, having comforted you once more,
and lies in wait,
for you to forget and remember,
just to be tickled all over again when you do?
(Thank you, Amy, for reminding me that in my life’s pocket is a treasure-trove of memories, comforting mantras, powerful empowering tools and the deep knowing that I always have everything I need, in all ways, right within reach.)