When we directly address and actively engage the SOUL (or highest essence) of the person we love with our words, thoughts, and actions, THAT person invariably shows up. Instead of reacting to behaviors, focus your full attention on the goodness of the soul-person they are. Often, without conscious awareness, the very best of them is what they present. Without understanding why, they respond energetically to the pure vibrance of love that beckons the qualities that reflect and represent their highest self.
I find this a much better approach than nagging, complaining and being the voice of how someone else is wrong, inadequate, or inferior. Honestly, it's insufferable! What would be the reason to remain in such a situation if you were the one on the other end of this unkind and unloving behavior? And why would you do that to someone you claim to love? Yet, it's so prominent. Fortunately, the power to change today is within you!
Try the counter-habitual thing that provides peace, profound joy, deep fulfillment, mutual satisfaction and the rock-solid foundation for a long-lasting, love-infused connection: silently address the well of potential of the soul, and miracles will unfold before your eyes!