25 October 2010
My best business advice? Scare yourself silly on a regular basis
"Sometimes you have to scare yourself silly in order to play a bigger game and participate in something amazing."
~ Steve Errey, The Confidence Guy
There's no better season to talk about scaring yourself silly.
With Hallowe'en quickly approaching, common scary activities include ghost tours, the telling of ghost stories and frightening tales, and watching horror films. But, there's nothing more scary than scaring yourself silly.
The term itself is comical to me and makes actually doing it a little easier. It brings light-heartedness to something that can be so off-putting that we find ourselves paralyzed in mediocrity--existing, but never deeply contented; living within the illusion of safety, but never fully exploring our infinite possibilities.
The only way to play bigger and be a part of something bigger than yourself is by doing something that completely unnerves you; makes you sick to your stomach; makes you think you'd go to most any extreme to avoid doing the thing. Each of us has at least one thing that scares us silly; some many more.
Have you ever wondered how much energy is being silently and stealthily siphoned off by inaction? However, if you face your issue(s) head-on by taking an action step, it's incredible how much personal power remains within to multiply exponentially so you can accomplish even greater things.
The truth is: the subconscious voice of inaction doesn't go away, although it may quiet down temporarily. Don't be mistaken! In some way it will continually make itself known. It's not going anywhere until it's appeased; with an action toward its resolve.
Even though it might not seem or feel like it, your inner voice is actually providing an opportunity for you to shine! It's leaving clues that a belief is ready to be shattered and replaced by something much more empowering. Wouldn't you rather have that?
I will let you in on a secret, but lean in closer; I don't want everyone to know!
I had a BIG fear of public speaking.
And it wasn't just public speaking; teleseminars were the worst. Any time I knew my conversation was being recorded, I froze. All the free-flow that was so comfortable in every other conversation; all my hard-earned knowledge; all my insights; all my conversation skills; flew right out the window leaving me a bumbling mess. And it felt terrible because I knew there was importance in the message.
But, I just couldn't get beyond the belief that I wasn't a good public speaker. In spite of support and opportunities to get better, I held that belief for years until I was tired of being limited by something I didn't really know to be true; after all, it was just a belief! Maybe, just maybe, I had been wrong, but I wouldn't know until I took action.
I knew if I simply focused on getting better every time, that was my personal measure of success. My goal was not to be the world's best speaker. My goal was to move beyond paralysis of unfounded beliefs.
Here's another secret: You may not have made the correlation by reading my newsletter, but until a few months ago, I didn't offer teleclasses. You know why I started? Because it forced me to take an action. I knew if I was accountable to others, I would have to come through for them. I used the exercise to scare myself silly. It was a beautiful self-orchestration to play at becoming better.
When I lightened up and prepared a platform for me to practice, based on my terms, my confidence soared. Now I am unstoppable. But it wouldn't have happened without my initial decision to scare myself silly and take an action step; little by little, you know?
This is how I did it. I set up the first teleclass to practice sounding more natural using a script. The second one was set up to "wing it" using only bullet points. I aced both, based on my personal measure of success. And completely gone is the fear. I only aspired to be better than I was before the experiment and I accomplished that.
Another way to say scare yourself silly is: go out on a limb. Why is this so important? Because that's where the fruit is! This applies both literally and figuratively. Literally, nature provides fruit in abundance. It's right there within eyesight, but it might require effort to enjoy the bounty; climbing high and reaching far. Figuratively, we must go out on a limb to access life's fruit (abundance). Based on my observations, it's after we invest something of ourselves that we reap the most benefit.
Are you afraid of public speaking? Contact everyone you know and let them know you're available to speak (choose a comfortable topic based on your personal expertise). Then follow through, meaning: go do it.
Are you afraid to make sales calls? Get a list, sit down, and start dialing.
Are you afraid to hire a support team? Run the numbers, establish a budget and a plan for implementation, ask for referrals and start interviewing.
Whatever your scary thing, take some action toward it. Go out on a limb and scare yourself silly on a regular basis. Soon that becomes your norm and you wake up one day to realize you are playing bigger and participating in something amazing; it's called your life.
Posted by
charlon bobo, best-selling author, Business visionary and Empowermentor
Monday, October 25, 2010

An inspiration from Buckminster Fuller and a message to every misfit on the planet
I had the privilege recently to attend an informal presentation by Jaime Snyder; grandson of Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller.
If you’re unfamiliar with Bucky Fuller, he was a true visionary: philosopher, designer, poet, architect, artist, engineer, entrepreneur, author, mathematician, teacher and inventor.
It was astounding to hear some of the more personal aspects of Bucky’s life and notice so many similarities to my own experience and those of my friends and colleagues; maybe even yours. Read on.
In his 30’s, already a proven “failure” at numerous pursuits (including flunking out of Harvard twice: first for spending all his money partying with a vaudeville troupe, and then, after having been readmitted, for his "irresponsibility and lack of interest"), bankrupt, jobless, living in public, low-income housing, and drinking frequently due to the death of his young daughter, he sat on the edge of Lake Michigan and seriously contemplated “ending it all.” He believed that his wife and second child would have better opportunities without him due to his failed attempts to succeed in life.
Then, he had another thought: If he did only things that truly inspired him instead of his former approach (which obviously wasn’t working), maybe the outcome would be different. At that moment he chose to embark on "an experiment, to find what a single individual [could] contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity."
Like many of us, Bucky was first driven by a focus on money. It’s a common experience based on systematic social conditioning. Inherently, there’s nothing wrong with that focus; it just wasn’t his priority. With the passage of time, however, in part, it led him to contemplate suicide.
He recognized that a focus on money—because it wasn’t a part of his personal agenda—and putting his attention on what others thought was important—instead of following his own bliss—wasn’t in alignment with making his greatest contribution. He could never achieve personal excellence within the confines of the existing model. As history eventually revealed, he would thrive outside convention. His lakeside inner guide was spot-on. (After all, life is a grand experiment; why not approach it as such?)
It doesn’t even occur to us to question the model. It doesn’t even occur to us that there are alternatives to conforming. It doesn’t even occur to us that to shine as brilliantly as possible, we might have to navigate our own way; meaning we follow no one and no thing. We might have to create a solitary path that paves the way for others.
By his own appraisal, Bucky was a “non-conforming misfit.” Does this sound familiar to you? If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s very likely you’re a non-conforming misfit, too.
So, what’s the point? What’s the big takeaway here?
1. Every misfit has been discouraged to the point of taking dramatic action.
Whether it’s suicide, or an abrupt or uncharacteristic decision about a move, a relationship, business, or your health, you know when you’ve had enough of what is. You simply cannot take any more. Your “sponge is full” and you cannot live one more minute within your current circumstances; you can’t, and you won’t.
Life has interesting ways of presenting enormous opportunity; it may even be packaged in despair. Quite effective, it finally gets our full attention, although there may have been signals of misalignment for years. When we’re done; fully saturated; fully convinced that we’ve tried everything; that’s the moment fresh possibilities surface to grab our focus and set us off in a new, inspired direction.
2. Every misfit has felt alone in defining and/or delivering her unique message.
You and life collaborated to create a moment of decision; this is one of your great life opportunities to shine. After the realization that there may be options you hadn’t previously explored, now what? As if you weren’t overwhelmed before! Hmph.
Now that you’ve determined your best options are based in following your own inner drummer, it’s likely you’ll spend your time discovering your passions (if you haven’t already), find more ways to nurture and be kind to yourself, send the inner critic on vacation, invest in some down-home soul searching, explore the many ways to enjoy what is, and simply be.
Inspirations come with allowing; not planning, strategizing and acting, as so many of us have been taught. When you’re wholly aligned with who you are and intimately knowledgeable of your unique gifts, the rest will naturally present itself in response to your alignment. The Way will be made known to you. It must; it’s a Universal Law.
3. Every misfit has felt overwhelmed at some point in figuring out the how of making his finest contribution to humanity.
When you follow no model, you are ever creating in-the-moment. You may have no idea if what you’re doing makes any sense. You may have no idea if your inspirations are a few or hundreds of years before their “time.” You may have no proven methods of implementation. Upon implementation, you may have no universally-agreed-on measure of “success.” At best, you may have no or few supporters. At worst, you could be persecuted or ostracized for acting on your convictions.
Every effort is based in inspiration. You may have no idea how—after the investment of precious resources of time, money, effort, passion, and drive—or if, all your efforts will eventually enrich humanity. After all, life’s a grand experiment!
In conclusion, misfit, this is my heartfelt message to you:
Misfit, you may never achieve personal excellence within the confines of the existing model. You probably weren’t meant to. Create your haven—and thrive—outside convention. Embark on an experiment to find out what a single individual (you!) can contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity. As a misfit, that’s most likely your calling.
Misfit, wear the term as a badge of honor, for it requires a tremendous amount of courage to be a leader; a visionary; a pioneer; a lightbearer; a path maker; an entrepreneur.
Misfit, regardless of how lost, lonely, or scared silly you might ever feel on this journey, you are never alone. There are misfits everywhere, lurking among the masses, trying to figure out their own ways to change the world and benefit humanity. Make it your mission to find them!
Posted by
charlon bobo, best-selling author, Business visionary and Empowermentor
Monday, October 25, 2010

24 October 2010
Teleclass THIS WEEK: The Art of Money Magnetism Revealed
It's time we all WAKE UP to embrace our birthright; our relationship with outrageous abundance. It's a natural, comfortable state when you get there, but whew! what a tumultuous journey for so many of us.
I made peace with outrageous abundance and I want to share "the how" with you because the results of my own life tickle my heart; the information must be shared.
You'll become a money magnet, but don't be fooled by the title; when you make peace with outrageous abundance, it shows up in EVERY facet of your life. Money is only one facet, but it's one of the most important relationships to heal because it can be intertwined with issues of self-value and block outrageous abundance.
The techniques I give you are inspired, heart-based, and provide immediate relief.
One hour and one registration fee gives you access to:
- both live calls (same content, just offered at different times to accommodate busy schedules)
- both recordings, AND
- a copy of my best-selling book personally inscribed with the wording of your choice; Overcomer's Inc.: True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration
For full details and registration, click here.
Posted by
charlon bobo, best-selling author, Business visionary and Empowermentor
Sunday, October 24, 2010

21 October 2010
Pure Poetry... Each day is a blank canvas
"Each day is a blank canvas. At this time, there is stillness and quietude in the ethers as the new dawn of each day arises. There is a feeling of possibility, of optimism, of hope and of expectancy. Perhaps this day will be better than the last. Perhaps our time will come; our true destiny will finally be revealed. This could be the day of our lifetime. The day stretches out before us, as yet untouched by our desires, our choices, our mistakes and our achievements. There is a feeling of purity about the new day–and a freshness of hours and minutes as yet untouched. To live more fully, let us regard each day as an opportunity for deeper love.
As we awaken more fully to the divine spark within, we begin to glimpse our true strength and power. This is the same spark that we also share with the Sun, the stars and the galaxies. It is limitless in nature and fueled by the great preservative force of love. Within every life-stream, human or otherwise, is this same spark, urging for expression; dimly in some and with great strength in others."
~ Chrissie Blaze
Posted by
charlon bobo, best-selling author, Business visionary and Empowermentor
Thursday, October 21, 2010

11 October 2010
My secret source for wholesome home, kitchen, bath and
RAW food ingredients

Some secrets are meant to share. My one-and-only resource for organic herbs, spices, teas and essential oils is Mountain Rose Herbs.
Recently awarded the 2010 Oregon Ethics in Business Award, this recognition is further validation that their modality of conducting business based on "people and planet before profit" works.
Mountain Rose Herbs shares my values and they make it easy to give them my money:
- superior customer service
- quality products sourced respectfully and responsibly
- hundreds of organic, wildcrafted and fair-trade ingredients for kitchen, home, bath & body, health & wellness and garden
- one-stop shopping that saves shipping costs
- pricing that's significantly less (compared to other suppliers) due to MRH's ability to purchase in high volume
- gift options and gift certificates that are favorites among my circle of friends and colleagues; no one has ever refused a gift from Mountain Rose Herbs!
BONUS! If you're a raw food eater, you will be THRILLED to know that Mountain Rose Herb's prices are up to 50% less than suppliers who cater to raw foodists. Choose from common raw and organic foods including goji berries, carob powder, maca, cacao nibs and powder, bee pollen and more!
Check out all the quality products offered by Mountain Rose Herbs:
Bulk Herbs, Bulk Spices, Culinary Salts, Peppercorns, Resins & Burnables, Seasoning Blends, Seaweeds, Sprouting Seeds
Black Tea, Flowering Tea, Green Tea, Herbal Tea, Red Tea, Tea Supplies
Aroma Sprays, Diffusers & Burners, Essential Oils, Hydrosols, Kits & Samplers, Oil Blends & Resins
Bulk ingredients
Butters, Carrier Oils, Clays, Cosmetic Salts, Flavoring Extracts, Wax
Bath and Body Care
Bath Products, Body Care, Facial Care, Hair Care, Massage Oils
Natural Health
Capsules, Herbal Oils, Herbal Sprays, Syrups & Lozenges, Salves, Tinctures/Extracts
Home, Garden and Gifts
Accessories & Tools, Books, Cards & Games, Candles, Incense & Accessories, Mountain Rose Gear, Pet Supplies, Seeds
Containers and Packaging
Bags, Glass Bottles, Glass Jars, Plastic Bottles, Plastic Jars, Tins
Posted by
charlon bobo, best-selling author, Business visionary and Empowermentor
Monday, October 11, 2010

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