14 March 2008

From Struggling To The Stratosphere: Top 10 Reasons Written Agreements Propel Your Business

Ah, the underutilized written agreement; a simple, 2-3 page form. The one document you'll be happy to pull out of your files should the need arise for legal enforcement. That's the extreme scenario.

What many entrepreneurs overlook are the benefits of written agreements that actually allow them to grow their businesses.

Here are the Top 10 reasons to create and implement agreements in the life of your business. You'll be astonished at the many facets of doing so.

Written agreements:
  1. Portray you as a professional | Anyone who's serious about business understands that professional practices portray an image. If you have an established system of issuing written agreements any time you establish a working relationship, your image is one of the consummate business owner. Your clients/vendors/customers will take notice.

  2. Build confidence in your clients/vendors/customers | When others know you always implement smart, savvy and reliable business practices, they feel safe and comfortable doing business with you. They come back again and again AND they bring their friends! You are dependable, skillful and have established systems in place -- like written agreements -- to ensure ongoing, mutually beneficial relationships.

  3. Teach other business owners | We learn from each other. It's very likely not only are you providing a product or service, you are teaching your clients how to conduct their own businesses with a polished flair! It's an interesting dynamic: When we help others succeed and thrive, they want to help us as an expression of gratitude. This translates into invaluable referrals, references and testimonials.

  4. Set you apart from other entrepreneurs who don't have written agreements | I've conducted business with many entrepreneurs and honestly, it is rare to be approached to sign an agreement. So, I draw up my own and have the other party sign. If you create a general agreement once, you have it forever! It's hard to imagine, but this one act sets you apart from 75% of other businesses! Don't you want to stand out with something so simple, yet professional?

  5. Establish the foundation of your relationship | With a serious business approach -- like written agreements -- both you and the other party begin an arrangement based in clear communication. This benefits and serves both parties throughout the life of the relationship. If the foundation is solid you can easily work through any issues that arise.

  6. Exhibit recordkeeping practices necessary for a thriving enterprise | Organizations that are, well, organized, are perfectly positioned for future growth. Growth from chaos is not stable. It's more of a fluke and won't sustain itself. Having written agreements assumes they are filed neatly for easy access later, should the need arise to enforce them. Good recordkeeping saves a colossal amount of time... time that is better spent growing your endeavor.

  7. Allow you to be taken seriously | If you're a spiritual or spirit-based entrepreneur aka "woo-woo," it can be challenging to project a professional image because our services and products are not mainstream or well understood. Often we are not accepted within the business community as serious business owners. It's up to us, then, to make sure we manage our businesses with a polished and proficient approach. If it's not expected of us and we deliver, that makes an impressive and memorable impact. People will now treat you like the qualified pro you are.

  8. Protect you with legal documentation | With agreements in writing and signed by both parties, there is very little room for misunderstanding. Should the need arise, you have a legal basis -- or grounds -- for preserving and protecting your business, reputation and interests.

  9. Clarify the rights and obligations of both parties | This saves you time (time=money) because you don't invest time later trying to define or explain your understanding of the original agreement. You are also not in the vulnerable position of attempting to resolve misunderstandings without legal backing.

  10. Eliminate worry | When you worry, you are not energetically free to focus on growth. There's always something nagging at you, quietly robbing you of the ability to be creative and move ahead to grand accomplishment. Can you begin to imagine what your business could be and how quickly it would grow with simple, yet meaningful systems already in place -- like written agreements?

The longevity of your thriving powerhouse-of-a-business depends on your commitment to doing what's smart -- like implementing written agreements. Doing so allows you the freedom and peace-of-mind to reach the galaxy of your choosing.

So, go on! Climb on that rocket and realize your dreams.

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