If you missed the August 20, 2007 issue of The Indie Experience, I was asked about my biggest business challenge.
Last week's article (Part 1) addressed the value of reframing ideas (or questions, in this case) and the freedom of not labeling circumstance. This week's article (Part 2) contains my answer.
Now that you know how I approach this question of my biggest "challenge," I am excited to candidly share with you my biggest business life circumstance.
I warn you, however. It requires a mental adjustment to the traditional approach to business.
Without further delay, here we go!
The biggest business life circumstance I encounter is:
overwhelmed by the thought
that delivering the best for my clients
depends on my knowledge alone
I'm exceptional at what I do and have worked diligently to acquire my current skill set. But, when I step out and away from my business, in the grand scheme of life, I must acknowledge that the knowledge I've accumulated is miniscule compared to the vast knowledge imprinted -- and accessible -- in the ether.
Every thought, every invention, every word ever spoken, the inspirations for every great painting, the angst of every artist, every solution, every creative notion, every everything lingers "out there."
And if it lingers, these etheric inspirations are accessible to every one of us... if only we ask. (This "collective of creativity" is linked to our intuition and spirit-help. Keep this in mind as you read further.)
The funny thing is no one ever told us we could ask! And it didn't occur instinctively to ask for help or inspiration from these impressions.
The Secret to Obliterating My Biggest Life Circumstance
Every day we hear more and more about conscious entrepreneurship. I have developed and refined spiritual business practices for more than a decade, but the message is now hitting the mainstream. The world of commerce has changed. Our lives are no longer separated into neat compartments of home and work. Instead they are a complex mix of the many facets of our one, integrated life. It is thrilling to see entrepreneurs embrace and incorporate all elements of this physical plane to thrive in business (physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual). This alone seems to be moving us along at a rapid pace of growth.
However, many entrepreneurs still focus on adding to their tangible skill set (e.g. project management, internet marketing skills, effective sales techniques, etc.)... all without implementing another, equally vital and useful tool.
Certainly I depend on my expertise and years of experience, but there's another more effective component to my success. It's a secret, really, and although I don't speak of it often, it's my magical -- and until now, private -- key to doing so well in business.
Clients refer to me as "The Intuitive Copywriter." They're absolutely right.
My secret is this:
intuitive/spiritual element
to benefit my business and
deliver spot-on results
for my clients
In my experience, my skills are sufficient to deliver results that exceed client expectations. However, paired with this magical component, I am able to access insights not based on accumulated knowledge, but instead sourced from the divine and the etheric impressions mentioned earlier.
How Does It Work?
Throughout my day I am in ongoing communication with my Source (feel free to replace this word with the name of your spiritual source; God, Buddha, Mother Nature, The Goddess, Ultimate Creativity, etc. The name doesn't matter. That you access this resource IS what matters.). I simply remain in a state of openness and active listening.
THAT'S IT! If it sounds simple, it is. If it sounds too simple to work, it isn't.
It allows me the flexibility to take inspired, specific action instead of random action based on the latest trends. After all, my guidance comes directly from The Source. Think about it: Isn't it smarter to be directly plugged into The Source and get the insider scoop on the best next move for your unique business via a quiet inspiration vs. trying to incorporate the latest trend(s) based on technical data and projections? Talk about work!
How, Indeed!
Another facet of engaging Source is: I have completely removed myself from figuring out the "how" of things:
- How will I create the "hook" for my client's new product?
- How will that situation resolve itself?
- How can I bridge this misunderstanding?
- How will I pay for the new color printer?
- How can I increase productivity with limited monetary and personnel resources?
When I first notice something that feels like a "how" detail, I acknowledge it and invite my spiritual guides to work it out and completely delegate the "how" to them.
When purposely separated from the "how," answers, creative input, resolve, options and ideas flow to you effortlessly. It's all about letting go... about relinquishing control of your need to come up with all the answers based on what (little) you know. Access creativity and inspiration so
- the "work" of working becomes creating
- you become part of a collaboration bigger than you and your business
A Passive Approach? | What Do I Do Now?
If you think this is a passive approach to business success, it can seem that way initially. If you're not busy figuring out the "how," what ARE you supposed to be doing?
With a mental switch of now relying on Spirit as part of your team, your job becomes taking only inspired action.
To take inspired action means you have to know what to do. To know what to do means you have to somehow clearly "hear" or understand what it is you're inspired to do.
One must listen very carefully to the sound of Spirit. It sounds easy (no pun intended), but it requires practice... especially at first. Paying attention to subtlety is an art!
Your experience may be audible, felt-audible (I feel/hear divine inspiration in my right ear), a feeling, or a physical manifestation (the stomach area is very common). It may even be a slight shift in your emotions that becomes your personal way of knowing.
Subtle nuance. Pay attention!
There are as many paths as there are people, and this moment-by-moment, inspired and effective approach to business -- and your personal life -- deserves a trial run. If it doesn't work, you can always go back to the overwhelm and frustration of managing everything yourself and depending on your knowledge alone to carry you.
It may sound so simplistic and yet couldn't we all use less complicated systems when the results prove that simplicity works?
Go ahead, unburden yourself. Relinquish the need to think you have to know it all, ask for help and delegate the "hows" to those spiritual entities much better equipped to deliver ultimate creative solutions. Watch what happens.
If you want to experience more confidence, more peace and a much wider well from which to draw, add the spiritual element to your business activities. It doesn't matter what product or service you offer. Spirit is available to deliver better results than you can ever imagine.