So often we think others possess abilities inaccessible to us. We think they have more tools or were granted preferential universal status. We assume they know more than we do or life is easy for them.
None of these assumptions is true.
And not only are they not true, they prevent you from taking full responsibility for your life and your experience. As long as you have an excuse, you don’t have to change the habits that are oh-so-comfortable and familiar! How brilliant is that for a mind-mechanism that tries to keep everything as-is? If you have a reason (read: excuse), you can remain in the cozy little life you’ve created.
And there’s nothing wrong with that if it’s what you consciously choose. But we’re not talking about being choosing consciously, are we? We’re more addressing the subconscious beliefs that linger and debilitate without much awareness on our part.
So, how much do you want a life that radiates from the highest place in you? And what are you willing to do to facilitate that change?
As long as you have a ‘good’ reason like, “She is smarter than I. That’s why abundance happens for her,” you won’t even try to have a better life. It’s a safe, but untrue, catchall that leaves you paralyzed by inaction.
However, if you’re ready to live the highest version of your best self, adopting the seven defining characteristics of overcomers is a jumpstart to having a different life. Those we call ‘overcomers’ commonly:
1. are tenacious
2. learn and grow from every experience
3. are proactive
4. see opportunity everywhere
5. help others
6. develop a plan-of-action
7. act on their plan
We all experience hardship. It’s an occasional state of the human condition. The pendulum swings; being spiritual entities on this physical plane means we experience the full range of emotions and happenings as we journey.
It’s not especially hard to be an overcomer in life:
1. Understand circumstance doesn’t define you. How you respond defines you.
2. Decide that circumstance does not dictate the level of enjoyment--or quality of life--you can experience.
3. Take some action that’s different than all the previous actions that have brought you to this very moment. If you do, I promise you’ll have a different experience.
The Universe conspires on our behalf for our benefit. The greatest personal shifts I’ve ever known came as a result of deciding no circumstance controls my experience. After all, I am an overcomer and you can be, too.
Charlon Bobo of EditCopyProof.com is a contributing author of the soon-to-be-released book, Overcomers, Inc.; Inspiring Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration. Access the
FR*EE ebook, Overcoming Adversity with Grace; Secrets to Rise Above Virtually Any Obstacle Life Puts in Front of You with insights from over 30 visionary experts