It's about time.
Ten years ago I was told by several trusted mentors, coaches and industry leaders that my ideas just weren't "how things are done." Listening to them went against my inner knowing, but I followed their expert guidance because I assumed they knew better. They were veterans in business, after all; I wasn't.
Not one of them suggested I trust--and act on--my inner-knowing, even if it went against convention. Not one of them said I was just ahead of my time and to use existing methods while integrating my own conscious principles.
It was incredibly frustrating to listen to advice from people I was paying to advise me because there was a louder, undeniable clarity screaming from within. As hard as I tried to apply and use their tried-and-true templates, they didn't work the same for me.
It would take me many years of trying to integrate what was clearly working for others--and having these techniques NOT work for me--before I realized the only way for me was MY WAY. I would have to figure it out for myself, use my intuition to guide me and be a bold voice to integrate soulfulness and entrepreneurship. Not only did it resonate for me, but I knew there was a place for it within the mainstream. Some how, some way I was going to find out how to make it work. In retrospect, all I needed to do was wait. Admittedly, waiting wasn't easy.
Fast-forward ten years later and here we are; high profile business owners now signing their emails with "In Service," or "Blessings," and infusing their marketing content with transparency and love. What a refreshing change!
And much more than refreshing, this heartful approach has a dramatic and beneficial ripple-effect on our society. Mutually-beneficial collaborations are established every day. We help others succeed while they help us. We create supportive communities in which we all thrive. And the masses, our clients and prospects, are responding.
Being courageous and speaking truth and authenticity in all areas of our lives puts us on the front lines. While it may be an uncomfortable role, the irony is: soulfully and energetically, many business owners agreed to be the waymakers, the lightworkers, the path clearers, the visionaries, the knowers.
We feel comfortable in these roles in our personal lives, but somehow in business we think different rules apply. They don't.
What was once important to separate--home life and work life--now melds into one life encompassing all endeavors, personal and professional.
So, how do we shift our thinking, make it expansive, be a model, and allow others to benefit from our unique knowledge and brilliance?
You have a sense of humor, don't you? Use it... often.
You have your own perspective, don't you? Give us an insight.
You have vulnerabilities, don't you? (Within reason) Share them and what you learn from them.
You experience challenge at times, don't you? Let us know what they are and how they expand your ability to adapt.
You have opinions, don't you? Hearing them allows us to ponder things we've never before considered.
No one can or will ever conduct business like you. That may be a good thing or a not-so-good thing, but what's most important is allowing others to get to know the real you. People buy from those they know, like and trust. Open up. Try something new. Be more vulnerable. Be more edgy in your communications by doing something out of the ordinary for you.
The heart of your business is you. Inject your unique personality with every opportunity. It's important that prospects choose you because you give them a chance to know who you truly are... as a person AND competent, conscious business owner.
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