The Answer: It depends. There's no specific answer because there are too many variables.
Craigslist.com has copywriter postings for $10/hour. Top copywriters command upwards of $750/hour. So, you can expect to pay between $10 and $750 per hour. Averaged, that is $370 per hour.
I know. It's not much of an answer.
Hiring a copywriter sounds like an easy task. Then you begin researching the possibilities and quickly enter the abyss of frustration and overwhelm. There are no easy "apples-to-apples, oranges-to-oranges" comparisons because pricing depends on:
- Years of experience
- Target market
- Knowledge/expertise in a specific industry
- A proven track record of results
- Investment in ongoing training and learning about industry trends from national experts
- What the current market will pay
Generally, there are 4 ways copywriters charge for services:
- Per word (copy suitable for newsletters, Web sites, brochures, business cards and blogs)
- Per page (Web site copywriting)
- Per project (based on a review of your materials and a formal written proposal)
- Per package (a specific number of copywriting hours per month, pre-paid in full)
- Ask for referrals from fellow colleagues/entrepreneurs you trust.
- Review Web sites for all referrals to determine if the copywriter is a good fit for you based on experience, knowledge of your industry, specific expertise and a personal vibe.
- Read the policies/procedures and pricing pages, if posted, to determine how projects are priced.
- Submit a request for proposal via email, submit a "Request for Proposal" form or schedule an appointment to discuss the project parameters. Your final decision is often based on how you connect with the copywriter.
- Review of client materials
- First draft
- Two rounds of client revisions (additional revisions charged hourly rate)
With a quick internet search, you can find services offering copywriting for $10/page. That sounds good at first... until you realize the work is actually performed in India (or Pakistan or China) by non-native English speakers.
You don't think that will cost you later in grief, time AND money?
Sure it will, but by the time you realize your lapse in judgment to get the best deal, it's too late. Your Agreement has been signed, you paid a deposit, your credit card number is on file to pay the balance due, and what you get back after waiting weeks or months cannot even be used, the quality is so poor. So, the search begins all over again and the saga continues.
In conclusion, what you can expect to pay for professional copywriting comes down to the investment you make to find a good fit financially, energetically and professionally.
Don't choose the cheapest bid simply because it's the lowest. Pros charge professional rates because they can and do deliver. That's the whole point in hiring them in the first place. You pay a rate that ensures professional results.
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