Entrepreneurship is shifting dramatically and the aligned female influence cannot be ignored. The feminine:
- brings a sense of community to business
- is cooperative because we know that is the road to thriving
- achieves results by nurturing others
- wants all members of our tribe to succeed
- encourages others
- challenges others with love
- champions others with kind accountability methods
- celebrates milestones and goal attainment
There is no doubt--with the shifting business paradigm in full swing--women have made a powerful impression and will continue to do so. Our innate gifts as birthers of new ideology will change the face of entrepreneurship so much that soon the old façade won't be recognizable. It's the dawning of a new age and we're the luminaries.
Allowing intuition, spirituality and pure intent to guide us, we're in a very powerful position to creative positive and lasting change. The way business is conducted will never be the same.
Let me go back to my reference of "aligned female" and elaborate for the fullest understanding.
Being born female (a gender identification) does not an empowered woman make!
It's vital to understand that being strong, allowing the feminine divine to be honored in our words, thoughts and actions, referring to ourselves as "conscious," embracing our roles as leaders and visionaries, and intentionally creating our lives, is a journey... the journey of a lifetime.
The aligned woman is so much more than female. She:
- has a vested interest in bringing her best to everything she does
- willingly surrenders her plan to the wisdom of the Universe
- commits on every level to the ever-unfolding process of life
- pushes on with courage, no matter how hard the task
- walks with herself, if necessary, so as not to dilute her efforts and energy with anything/anyone that might take her off-course
- graciously serves others in accordance with her innate talents and gifts
- models integrity because it's the core of who she is and how she conducts the business of her life
- celebrates her unique talents-removing all hindrances to shining brilliantly-because she understands this world benefits from her exceptional contribution
- is bold in her approach to life because there's no value in standing for nothing
- accepts herself as-is, always
Modeling empowered divine femininity has many rewards; and it also comprises great responsibility; to whom much is given, much is required. Wielding power with benevolence requires a solid understanding that true power never attempts to manipulate, dominate or control. Only insecurity behaves that way. We are actively defining the future of business with our actions. We are creating something uniquely feminine.
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