20 January 2010

Regardless of the Weather, All Is Well

"What if funky, confusing, gray, lonely days were just part of a "system" that, in turn, created bright, rich, happy, friendly days?

What if they were just meant to give deeper elements of your creativity a rest?

What if they were deliberately crafted holidays, of a sort, devised by your inner psyche to relieve you from the pressure of artificial expectations?

Would you still bemoan them, wonder what's wrong with you, or fear that they'll never end? Or, would they kind of tickle you pink?"

~The Universe

What if we were certain? What would our lives be like if we operated from a place of surety? What if we functioned from a foundation of unshakable knowing? What if, no matter what was happening in our lives, we soared above it all in the absolute confidence that everything was perfectly aligned?

How differently would you be in the world, approaching it with such boldness? You can, you know. Give yourself permission to feel the difference and be it. I'm not saying it's easy... especially at first. I AM saying it's an option. Be certain. Be sure. Know. All IS well.


Amy said...

I was about to write "you have no idea how timely this is for me" but then realized, oh wait, you probably do, you conduit of ether-knowledge you! ;) Thank you for the wonderful reminder!

charlon bobo, best-selling author, Business visionary and Empowermentor said...

Hi, Amy~
Believe me, Sister, we all need reminders! I am thrilled this touched you today. This Universe has a magical way of delivering exactly what we need in the perfect moment. Blessings to you on your journey, dear one.