28 July 2009

Overcoming Is a Lifestyle, Not a Temporary Survival Tool

Contrary to popular belief, overcoming is not a reaction or response to life’s challenging circumstances. Instead, overcoming is a constant, a full-life approach, a way of being.

As an overcomer you embody the surety that no matter what unfolds in life you are fully-equipped to move through any circumstance and come out stronger on the other side. Regardless of what you may temporarily feel in any moment, you bring a certainty of calm, knowing there is high purpose in every experience. And this opens the gates of all possibility. You’ll be amazed at what creative solutions present themselves when you know the process of life is to show how grand you really are.

It is not my intent to portray this approach as easy, but it certainly feels better than being overwhelmed and worried that things won’t work out. You have not lived this long to have things fall apart now. You are divinely guided and supported in ways you cannot imagine. Embrace the lifestyle of a true overcomer and live free.

I am so honored to share my story in Overcomers, Inc.

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