15 July 2009

The Unspoken Acknowledgement

The other day as I walked on my favorite seaside cliff (without a hat), a woman and her husband crossed the street and stepped up onto the walking path about 8 feet in front of me. As she saw me, in bold and proud fashion, she ceremoniously pulled off her hat to show me her near-bald head. When our eyes met, we both smiled, she donned her hat again, and we went on our respective ways. I laughed out loud with pure joy.

I got it. We communicated without words, which would have only ruined the moment. Her sentiment was clearer than words because she was was connecting from her heart. And I responded from my heart. We acknowledged each other, honored each other; all without words.

It planted a seed of thought: how much doesn't ever need to be spoken with words? Maybe we would better serve ourselves and others by connecting and supporting from the heart without words. Heart language is pure and untainted communication. There is no mistaking the sentiment behind a genuine smile and kind sparkling eyes.

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