02 September 2009

Thoughts on Overcoming Life Transitions

In honor of the most inspiring and fiercely courageous woman I know, whose father transitioned this week, Lynne Klippel this is for you, dear friend.

Most people associate 'overcoming' with getting past life events that impact us the most, including someone dear returning to Source.

Much less than getting through, overcoming is allowing the full impact of the moment to reveal the sacredness within, to sit in silence, allowing the depth and fullness of what is to embrace us.

Being an overcomer isn't about rushing through life's experiences-any of them-to find relief or feel better, for relief in any form is not the goal. Making peace within the current moment in its innate perfection is where overcomers find themselves because it is in this sweet spot that we are most connected to the beauty of what is.

For more insights on the topic of overcoming and to receive a free eBook titled Overcoming Adversity With Grace visit Overcomers, Inc.

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