05 August 2010

3 Edgy Insights to Access the Wisdom of the FUTURE YOU and Guide You In Business NOW

Spirituality is shifting every facet of mainstream business.

With a following of more than 120,000 subscribers, Copyblogger recently featured an article authored by Mark Silver addressing how spiritual concepts and practices are easily applied to business. As conscious business owners, we have a rare opportunity to completely transform commerce. What we are actively creating in-the-moment has no template. And that's the point.

Create your future from your future not your past.

~Werner Erhard

As an astute observer of life, you have probably noticed an ever-widening gap between traditional business formulas and what spiritual, heart-based and conscious consumers want and need. Traditional marketing and sales campaigns simply aren't working. That's because people are starving for what is real; what is true; what speaks to their souls; what truly has value.

We are being called to serve, using our businesses as catalyst for this grand shift. There's some something drawing us forward into the unknown to allow us to experience and share a greater fullness and depth. It responds to our individual intents and desires to serve humankind with our unique gifts. It is real, it is happening right in front of us and yet, it seems as conscious business owners, we don't quite know what to do with that information.

We know that anything created using the past as a foundation can only create more of the same. Business and life approaches that simply recycle the old and put it into new packaging lack vibrance, vitality and don't capture the wisdom of the information, products and services that need to be in the world right in this very moment. As savvy entrepreneurs, we know there's so much more to discover by sitting on the edge of innovation; frankly, it's our favorite vantage-point!

So, let's get on it... but how? How do we apply what we intuit the market wants based on something that doesn't yet exist? Why, we create it, of course; in this very moment by drawing from the guidance of the future in which it does already exist in the physical.

How you create in the present from your future:
  1. Engage the wisdom of 'your future self' to guide you

    Admittedly, this idea is foreign to most of us. We don't even think about our future selves and yet this entity is very real and accessible to guide us. Think about it: isn't the person you are now real? Were you any less real 10 years ago because the current you hadn't evolved yet? What was is real. What is is real. What will be is real. Was, Is, and will be can coexist simultaneously in this moment.

    If the future is a result of the inspiration of this moment and the action steps you take right now (which it is), then the future already is. If it already is, it is a resource to tap. Why not engage the future you to navigate the present? And how do you do this? With sincere intent, simply ask, with your thoughts, to be guided by the future you.

  2. Without attachment, in your mind, continually pose this question: How will I bring this new ___________ onto the physical plane?

    It's simply a pondering; nothing you need to figure out, intellectualize or answer. It's just a question; a silly, little question with no agenda or attachment to it. However, you will be amazed at that answers that begin to appear--seemingly out of nowhere--in response to your query. Merely posing the question opens worlds of solutions; the magical key is zero attachment.

    How is this creating from your future? Because it is based on the premise in #1 above. Engaging the energy of what already is (full manifestation of your vision, existing in the present in an energetic form and the future in a physical form), guides you in the current moment to take the appropriate steps and eventually actualize in the physical world.

    Keep in mind: When the answers are being handed to you by the Universe, there's nothing necessarily to do about them right now. Let them brew until you're clear on the next inspired action step(s).

  3. Be in a state of wonder: I wonder how this new _____________ will come to fruition?

    This is another one of those innocuous little exercises that delivers a power-packed punch in terms of the flood of information that comes to you. Wonder, but be ready for results! The magic of these simple tools is a simply a genuine wondering. Without an iron-grip on the outcome, your mind can simply wonder and wander, planting an unanswered question in the Universe. Immediately, forces are at work to orchestrate events (via matching vibration) and deliver the 'answers' of how. It's your job then to take inspired action.

Conscious business owners are at the helm of innovating and implementing the leading-edge principles of the new age. It's never been a better time to make your unique contribution to the world by allowing your future to inspire you, draw you to it and work in active collaboration with the Universe until you manifest your perfect vision of service.


Want to reprint or share this article? Feel free; simply use the unedited article in its entirety with the following credit:

Charlon Bobo is an empowermentor and entrepreneurial visionary, as well as a copywriter, editor, online marketer and best-selling author. Affectionately known as the 'conscious entrepreneur' Charlon develops high-impact marketing materials for conscious business owners and empowers women worldwide with her acclaimed 1-on-1 coaching service, Stand In Your Power®. See more at EditCopyProof.com and CharlonBobo.com

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