16 February 2008

Inspired Action Is THE Key To Efficiency

I adore efficiency. The smarter I work, the better I feel.

During a recent car ride I listened to an audio series I haven’t listened to in years. The medium is cassette tapes so that gives you a clue of how long it’s been! It is Lynn Grabhorn’s “Excuse Me... Your Life Is Waiting.”

In listening I was reminded of the idea of tasking vs. inspired acting. With to-do lists a mile long (can you relate?), it can be a challenge to remain in the inspired zone.

Tasking is about getting things done. It’s about checking things off your list. It’s about plowing forward with the mind as your guide. It’s nothing particularly inspired; you’re just taking care of business.

Inspired acting is a completely different approach and is much more efficient. Basically, it’s taking the same actions, but using your intuition, divine guidance, whatever you want to call it, to prioritize and show you the best way to work through your day. It is effortless flow. Things just fall into place. You notice a relaxed pace, not the frustration or frenzy of tasking. Peace of mind envelopes everything you do.

Another way to think about the difference between the 2 methods is:

Tasking is about depending solely on yourself to get things done; knowledge you’ve accumulated, talents you possess, resources at your disposal, etc. Sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? And it’s very limited and limiting.

I propose something much more savvy and fun!

Inspired acting is a collaborative effort with the Universe/God/
Buddha/Allah/The Goddess, etc.
It’s a pairing of energies to realize increased results and joy during the process. No longer are you simply getting things done. You’re tapped into a super high-efficiency mode without expending any more effort. In fact, working from this space actually refuels you as you work. How great is that?

Essentially, not only are you able to use and apply your own knowledge, but you tap into the ether... which contains the accumulation of

* every thought ever entertained
* every idea ever imagined
* every invention ever created
* every inspiration ever felt
* every creation ever manifested

Want to paint like Da Vinci? Ask for and “wear” his etheric impressions. Want to invent like Thomas Edison? Ask for and “wear” his etheric impressions. Want to tap into the brilliant minds of the industrialists of the early 1900’s? Ask for and “wear” their etheric impressions. Try on these impressions to see if they’re a good fit for you. Have fun with this. It provides a new perspective on your potential; one you may not have thought of before.

These are the 4 steps to access heart/soul-inspired work:

1. At the beginning of your day, assess the tasks you want to complete by day’s end.

Come on, now. Be reasonable! This is my loving way of saying don’t put unreasonable expectations on yourself. It’s too much pressure. If your friend asked you what you thought was a realistic and manageable workload, what would you say to her? Okay, pretend you are your friend and set a goal you can actually achieve so at the end of the day you feel proud of what you’ve accomplished.

2. With your thoughts or words ask for help.

"Hello, Universe. It is I; Charlon Bobo.” (Like the Universe doesn’t know! Hah! I like to say silly, fun things because they make me laugh. Be yourself. Relax and just have a conversation.) “I want to work in collaboration with you today. That sounds like an efficient way to get all this done. I could use a bit of help and right now I can’t afford a VA (virtual assistant)! Let’s do it!”

3. With your thoughts or words confirm your specific intent.

“I intend to finish these items by 5 PM today with ease and ultimate clarity (or whatever else you intend).”

4. Expect a free flowing, synchronistic day!

“I expect bountiful results based on my universal request for assistance.”

Throughout the day, notice how you feel. Without judgment or assessment, continue to remind yourself of your intentional, creative collaboration.

Try it for yourself. Refine the steps as necessary to fit your style and personality. Go from merely tasking to inspired acting and your days open up to new and limitless possibility. Not only do you accomplish way more, in a blissful creative flow, but you have fun as well by noticing how easy it is to collaborate with the accessible and willing forces in the universe.

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