28 February 2008

Sales and Marketing Expert? Me?

For spirit-based or conscious entrepreneurs, it can be a challenge to think of ourselves -- at least at first -- as salespeople or marketers. It's very common to want to be of service, first. Although that is a component, the bottom line is we're in business to make money.

My mentor, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, says, "For better or for worse, we are all in sales. So face your fears, gulp hard and get out there and market!"

Bold? Yes! True? Yes!

So how do we make this leap to becoming marketing and sales experts?

Step 1 Acknowledge and affirm your primary purpose for being in business; to make money. This one simple exercise will move you into a new space.

Step 2 Begin accumulating knowledge of sales and marketing. One of my favorite books on the subject is Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins.

Step 3 Apply this new information to your business in ways that make the most sense for you. The methods and approaches of others will never work if you don't modify them -- at least a little -- to fit your life.

The process reminds me of a puzzle. You are trying to find the combination of pieces that, when applied, complete the sales and marketing income-generating picture for your inspired business.

Now, go get 'em!

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