13 February 2008

A Spiritual Perspective On Mindless Talking

One of my favorite books – The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity by Roy Eugene Davis – says, “Vital forces are weakened and wasted by superficial, useless talking.”

This statement changed me forever. I read it and reread it. It rocked my world. It touched my core. And heightened my awareness.

Do you ever find yourself, for whatever reason, talking needlessly? Nervously? Why? Have you ever given it thought? Or analyzed it to figure out what’s behind it?

Our outward manifestation always tells the story of what’s going on inside.

Become the observer of yourself. What feelings are buried just beneath the surface masked by incessant talking? What feelings are deeply buried?

This isn't an exercise for the faint-hearted, for surely you will discover underlying pain. After the pain, though, comes realization and a new self-awareness. No longer are you obsessed with the sound of your voice. Your newfound ability to sit in peace and silence sets you on a journey of fresh exploration and discovery. What awaits? You won't know until you begin.

Blessings on the path.

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