"The most common reaction to overwhelm is paralysis. Taking any action flips us from a thinking/analyzing mode to heightened creativity." ~Charlon Bobo
With the holidays quickly approaching, I am inundated with holiday gift guides. No doubt you are as well.
The emphasis on purchasing consumer goods as a means to show appreciation or honor connection is a peculiar notion to me. I don’t ‘get’ it. I purchase no gifts; not because I stand on any principle, but because what I have to give is something more valuable than anything I have ever seen offered for sale.
My present to others is my presence, whether or not it’s the holidays. That is the greatest gift I can give. Full presentness is precious. It is rare. And it is something only I can give to those in my life circle.
I understand why people buy gifts. It’s easy. Digging deep, listening attentively, setting aside time to really connect, allowing someone to share their life and inner thoughts, making a memory, and being nowhere but in the moment is a treasure, a true gift with merit and meaning.
Our lives are so frantic that we often miss the many moments of life that bring the greatest satisfaction; the moment of now, here, connecting, time suspended until the experience has served its full purpose.
Give the gift of yourself this season; fully present.
Happy holidays!
To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to http://www.overcomersbook.com/booklaunch
Several factors contributed to my delayed adulthood. Being an artist, single and childless, I bypassed the rites of passage and responsibilities of most adults. My Depression-era parents’ version of responsibility made adulthood look unappealing anyway. Looking young, acting young, thinking and feeling young helped create the illusion that time was barely passing, and aging did not apply to me. Finally, having a small amount of family money – enough to barely get by on – was a double-edged sword. On the one hand it allowed me to paint, write, read, and pursue the spiritual studies I was drawn to. On the other, not having to earn much income allowed me to act out my insecurities by rejecting ambition, not taking risks, and living a far smaller, more protected life than another part of me longed for.
Hiding my light under a bushel was never my plan. I wanted to be a recognized artist. Hiding one’s light is simply what happens when fear is stronger than the desire to have one’s light seen and to add value to the world. I exhibited my art for years, maintaining a miniscule career that reflected my comfort zone. But when I discovered a spiritual calling, the heat was turned up on my inner conflict and my suffering intensified!
Now it was not just for my own glory, but for something greater that I wanted my light to shine. I knew I had something to share that filled me and could inspire others – if only I could find the form. I searched for my true work the way others seek true love. Many times I thought I’d found it, yet I continued to fear risk and rejection even more than I yearned to be of service. I remained a perpetual student long after I should have been teaching, as I waited to be invited to take my place onstage. Like a corked volcano, I was full of blocked energy. I tried to convince myself that being invisible was more spiritual than releasing my life force, but secretly I felt shame. I feared I would waste my life and the gifts I had been given.
From Overcomers, Inc.; True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration. To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to http://www.overcomersbook.com/booklaunch
From Overcomers, Inc.; True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration. To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to http://www.overcomersbook.com/booklaunch
Shortly before my 49th birthday I decided to boldly go where many had dared to go before me and become an entrepreneur. On April 15, 2006, my company, Write Choice Virtual Assistants, was born. I had tons of administrative experience to draw upon and based my services on these skill sets. Yet in the back of my mind I kept thinking, “You know, I really love to write and proofread. Wouldn’t it be cool if I could manage to get some work along those lines?”
By this time the Universe, God, and I had formed a formidable triangle of mutual respect and love, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when requests to proofread/edit and write articles, ebooks, website content etc. started to flow into my inbox. I had finally become “enough.”
I have now redefined ”enough” in my world today as follows:
If I treat people with love, kindness and respect, that is “enough.”
If I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my table, that is ”enough.”
If I can help another human being on this journey called life, that is ”enough.”
If I do my work conscientiously, with care and love, that is ”enough.”
If I am at peace with and within myself, that is ”enough.”
May you be more ”enough” than you ever imagined possible!
From Overcomers, Inc.; True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration. To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to http://www.overcomersbook.com/booklaunch
As strange as it even seems to me at times, the lessons of my childhood journey are applicable to every aspect of my life, including the everyday operations of my soulful business. As a conscious entrepreneur, I pull from this experience often to guide me. I’d like to share with you the five key insights of my pilgrimage:
1. Protective mechanisms are in place whether or not I realize or acknowledge them.
I don’t always understand why a project fails to materialize or a serious prospect seems to change her mind. I do know there exists an over-arching structure and order that conspires on my behalf to bring about my highest personal and professional growth. Whatever that wisdom, I can trust it absolutely.
2. My ”story” doesn’t define who I am.
I am a vibrant business owner who grows every day, and occasionally stumbles and falls on my bum! Because I constantly create myself anew, nothing from my past can effectively define or imprison me. I consciously choose to “bring my best game” to every day and know that’s enough.
3. Innate wisdom effortlessly guides me to the most opportune time to take action.
When in doubt, I do nothing until ultimate clarity presents itself. Although daily action is a crucial component in accomplishing my goals, I can also watch nature and use Her guidance to positively influence my actions. Nature provides a silent, fallow season – winter – to turn inward to rest and restore. Using this model, I reap the most benefit from my efforts. Smart living requires me to balance action with equal inaction.
4. My history doesn’t determine my level of success.
I can accomplish any lofty goal I imagine regardless of any perceived limitations. The past doesn’t dictate my future. I gift myself the pleasure and freedom to envision a life of my design. Family-of-origin, childhood circumstances, real or perceived impediments, lack of skills, none of these compare to the capacity of the human spirit to realize dreams.
5. I choose victimhood or empowerment every day with my words, thoughts, and actions.
We do not control the actions of others and yet we may be drawn into their drama. Like cast members of a play, energetically we agreed to these roles to teach AND learn. No matter my external circumstances, my responses can only come from one of two places: damage or abundance. I choose abundance.
May you be profoundly blessed by reading my story and take from it any value that forever nourishes your soul.
From Overcomers, Inc.; True Stories of Hope, Courage and Inspiration. To get your own copy and receive dozens of bonus gifts go to http://www.overcomersbook.com/booklaunch
Based on my observations, when business owners focus on making money first, service to others often suffers. However, when those same business owners shift their focus instead to "service first," the ideas and money seem to flow much easier.
I cannot say definitively because many factors are involved, but let's explore what's behind each approach.
Money first
Until we live in a society in which each person takes only what s/he needs and gives in equal measure based on individual abundance, choices, talents and strengths (this is the subject of a very different article!), we all agree cash money is the method of exchange for goods and services.
Okay. With that said, when we approach business with a "how can I monetize my _______________ (ideas, newsletter, information, Web site, expertise, etc.)" mindset, inherent is a myopic perspective. Our viewpoint is so narrow, we limit ourselves without even realizing it. A "Money first" mentality can only ever deliver money first... above everything else. Service takes its place as a second priority, if at all.
Service (and people) first
When we grow business based on how we can best serve others and that is the heart's true desire, a spiritual/magical element is introduced to facilitate our success. It not only allows us to achieve our money-based goals, but it does so in a much more creative and supported fashion. On some level it just "makes sense" and "feels better" based on recent energetic and cultural reprioritizations around money.
A "Service and People first" mentality delivers results and relationships. Money and deep fulfillment just seem to follow organically.
There's nothing wrong with money. Depending on your personal relationship with money, though, it can be hard to generate more by focusing exclusively on money first. What makes the process easier is opening up to greater possibility. It begins by asking yourself...
How can I best serve others with my efforts?
A simple shift in thinking is all that's required. The result is a beautiful fusion that meets both economic needs and philanthropic desires.
* eBook | Personal and Professional Empowerment for Whole Living
* article | 9-Facet Formula To Proof-Perfect Copy... Every Time
* mp3 | EditCopyProof Interview by the Founder of Indie Business
* interview audio and eBook | The Conscious Female Entrepreneur: Dynamism In Action
* empowerment ink | a generous outpouring of the freshest original content to catapult your conscious business and inspire your soul